Active vs. Passive

Being an Indoor Air Quality Specialist I always like to educate people on the different kinds of technology that are out there to help purify your indoor enviroment.

 Active vs Passive Purification 

    A passive system requires air to run through the machine to remove any pollutants from the air, and they are good for very small areas only. 

The frequent challenges for passive systems, is that only about 20% of the air in a room will go through the filter. To have enough pull in order to suck all the air in the room through that machine you would need about the same amount that a vacuum cleaner has!

How then do mold, mildew, bacteria, viruses, odors get removed from SURFACES inside this room?

Filters can become a cause of contamination and have limited effect on VOC's, odors, bacteria, viruses, and mold & mildew. 

 UV lights in these machines can be useful on surface inactivation, but are not very effective on moving air.


An Active (or Pro-Active) air purification system will condition not only the air but also the surface of the area being treated. These types of systems will do a search and destroy mission for any surface contaminants such as mold, mildew, bacteria, viruses, and odors.

 They also will condition ALL the air in a home or office. Using Ionization to drop particulate out of the breathing environment, advanced oxidation to break down VOC's and inactivate pathogens.

     If you want to know more about the these types of technologies, please feel free to contact me. E-mail is better to reach me by.  

Contact info:

Jonathan or Marilyn Truax
(518) 320-8742
[email protected]